The ECE supports the migration of systems and applications into approved hosting environments, with the goal of closing and consolidating data centers. ECE supports HQDA G6 and the Army Chief Information Officer Enterprise Cloud Management Agency (ECMA)’s efforts to gain visibility of information systems, applications, and their migrations. NETCOM provides oversight for the sustainment of the legacy data centers, and the establishment and sustainment of on-premises Army Edge Computing Capability (AECC) and Hybrid Cloud. The ECE provides converged data services, common services, and collaboration services for all Data Center Types as defined in the Data Center Reference Architecture, to include Army Enterprise Data Centers (AEDC), Installation Service Nodes, Special Purpose Processing Nodes, Army Title 32 Service Node, Tactical Processing Node Home Station Mission Command Centers, Mission Command Training Complex, Combat Training Centers, Public/Private Clouds; and remotely extends information services to networked locations.
Unique Support Tasks
1) Perform engineering functions of identification, analysis, and evaluation of data center and or cloud technologies and capabilities, feature sets, applications, updates, and capabilities to allow integration and interoperability within the Enterprise.
2) Architecture development and integration support including functional analysis and architecture integration in support for various enterprise initiatives, such as Commercial/Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Army Enterprise Data Centers.
3) Provide analysis to include allocation of requirements and functions to architecture elements, and a description of the relationships between the elements such as Commercial/Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Army Enterprise Data Centers.
4) Develop Commercial/Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Army Enterprise Data Centers architecture views to include capability, operational, services, system, project, standards, and data and information viewpoints both for both classified and unclassified.
5) Perform Tier II engineering functions to maintain the storefront entry system for application owners or stakeholders to request hosting and/or hoteling data center support utilizing an approved website platform such as SPO and Power Platform.
6) Coordinate milestones to collect, consolidate, and report on the NETCOM Owned Data Centers power usage, storage requirements, overhead costs, and other operational considerations as outlined by HQDA CIO and HQDA G6.
7) Establish and maintain an accurate Data Center Infrastructure and Monitoring (DCIM) metrics report for the NETCOM Owned facilities. Monitor and track the maintenance of all data center heating, cooling, power, water, uninterruptible power supply, and power interconnection, rack elevations, and asset management.
8) Track progress, identify problem areas, and coordinate milestones with Army CIO, HQDA G6, ARCYBER, and Army customers for application assessment through the ECMA process to determine for local, data center, or cloud hosting.
9) Track progress, identify problem areas, and coordinate milestones on the development of the Army enterprise software/application modernization process, including system owner and stakeholder engagements, software assessments and design enhancements, and software engineering.
10) Support and track customer onboard service request via enterprise ticketing solution through successful resolution and provide weekly migration reports to summarize migration status leveraging ECED defined metrics (such as migrating from NETCOM Owned Data Centers and/or into the AECC).